Home » Tips for Parent » Choosing A Phone For Your Kids Isn’t Always Child’s Play

Choosing A Phone For Your Kids Isn’t Always Child’s Play

kids ans phonesStaying in touch with our children has never been more important and thanks to the popularity of mobile phones, it has never been easier. But children often find it difficult to appreciate how vital it is that we keep the lines of communication open. They prefer to use the phone as a medium for entertainment instead of using it properly.

As well as having difficulty understanding the real reason for the cell phone, kids are often unaware of the value of these appliances and the possibilities of improper use of the tools they are laden with. This article looks at some best practices to consider when buying your child a cell phone, and how to ensure they use it properly.

How Old Is Your Child?

This is a very simple question but also a very relevant one. Children have different values and this will depend on their age group. There are 3 basic age groups that should be considered when choosing an expensive appliance:

  • Age 5-9
  • Age 10-15
  • Age 16 and above

Age 5 – 9 Years Old

The key word here is going to be ‘robust’, youngsters have not yet grasped how delicate these appliances tend to be and they rather enjoy dropping them! The best way forward with this action is to show them an older, sturdy, phone that has already seen some life. If you really need to let your 5-9 year old loose on a mobile tariff, you should think about a ‘pay-as-you-go’ setup. There have been horror stories about 6 year olds who have racked up enormous bills when mistakenly calling Australia for over 10 hours!

Age 10 – 15 Years Old

Once your children hit double figures they will begin to learn the workings of cell phones, but there is a bad side to this knowledge. They start to develop an appreciation for the finer things in life, namely – Bling!  They are no longer happy with ‘hand me downs’ and expect some sweet deals when it comes to cell phones and computers.

Without being too specific, you will probably need to think about a cell phone with a few gadgets including an internet browser. The problem here is the tendency for kids to spend hours on the net instead of using the phone for its proper purpose. But you can get some packages that allow free roaming. You should also look into some parental control software that blocks certain websites and monitors your child’s activity somewhat.

Age 16 – 19 Years Old

Now you’re really in trouble, the kids are starting to turn into young adults and demands are going to be high. Apple, HTC, Windows and all kinds of jargon will be coming your way at Christmas or birthday times. Remain strong and see what deals are available, you can sometimes get the cell phones at a really low price if you buy into a contract. Just be careful to read the small print and see if you kids can chip in with the monthly bill.

Security Matters

Some of these newer models are highly sought after, and you should advise your children to be careful when flashing these appliances around in public. Get a suitable insurance policy set up and look for the latest browsing security monitor for your peace of mind – Good Luck!

Author Bio:
Charlie Smith is a part of the team at Wellresearchedreviews.com and he likes to stay updated on the latest trends in technology and sports. He enjoys spending his free time with his family and often writes about parenting tips for his readers.

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